Um okkur

Dynur Design er lítið handverksfyrirtæki í Hveragerði.

Framreiðslubakkarnir eru allir handunnir úr sérvöldum harðvið og eru allir meðhöndlaðir með hreinni *Tung Olíu. Tung olían er unnin úr hnetum/fræjum af Tung Tré og er því matvæla örugg.

Allir bakkir eru einstakir og enginn af þeim eins. Fullkominn gjöf!

Við tökum við sérpöntunum, en þær geta tekið allt að 2-4 vikur.

Mælt er með að skola bakkana einungis með hreinu volgu vatni. Þurrka skal alla bleytu af og látið þorna upprétt. Bera skal olíu á brettið reglulega svo það endist sem lengst.

*Pure Tung Oil is pressed from the seed of the Tung Tree, which is a different botanical family to peanuts and to cashews/pistachios. There is some disagreement about whether it is actually a seed or a nut, so whilst it is possible for someone to be allergic to Tung Oil, it is not known to be associated with any other nut allergies, and so is unlikely to cause a reaction in an individual who has a peanut or tree nut allergy. Once dry, tung oil is polymerised by reaction with air to a solid, unreactive flexible film, which is classed as food and toy safe. While tung oil has been used for many centuries as a finish for kitchen items such as wooden bowls and cutting boards, and we are unaware of any known cases of a reaction to tung oil, people with severe allergies or sensitisation should use their usual caution.